
Work Stress | How to Deal with Stress When it Happens

Learning Strategies / Uncategorized

Work Stress | How to Deal with Stress When it Happens

If you’re feeling stressed right now, you need to watch this video of the 3 stress management activities to deal with work stress, that will quickly get rid of your workplace stress.

Stress is common, nearly all of us, from time to time experience stress in the course of our working lives. Learning “stress triage” is a life skill that leads to greater levels of happiness, energy and vitality. In fact, the evidence from science clearly shows that managing stress in the right way, and using it to your advantage can actually increase your life span. In this video, we share the 3 tips for stress management activities which we call “stress triage” we know from research and practice, will get you through any stressful period.

In this video, you master the skills and sequence for handling stress whenever it happens.