
1 Year Ketogenic Diet – Before & After – LIFE CHANGING #lowcarbdiet

Health & Wellness / Mental Health / Motivation / Personal Development

1 Year Ketogenic Diet – Before & After – LIFE CHANGING #lowcarbdiet

1 Year Ketogenic Diet | Before & After | #ketogenicdiet

00:00 – Intro.

02:35 – Weight Loss

04:10 – Feeling Calm

06:43 – Looking Great!

08:26 – Endurance (and Success)

10:55 – Learning to Cook

13:41 – Backstory – Sugar Addict!

17:52 – 3 Stages of Keto

20:54 – Continuous Blood Glucose Monitor & Ketone Meter

24:33 – Preparation – Keto Foods & Supplements

28:50 – Fasting & Exercise on Keto

The ketogenic diet has been around since 1920 but only in the last 10 years has it gained widespread interest. Experts like Dr Robert Lustig, Dr. Mark Hyman, and Dr. Ken Berry amongst others have been pivotal in raising awareness of the need to eliminate sugars and starchy carbohydrates from our diet and exploring the keto diet as a possible option for some people. It’s not an easy diet to start and won’t agree with many people.

Now 1 year on the Keto/Low-Carb Diet, in this video, I share my experience of the diet, before and after, and the effects both good and bad.

This is not medical or even dietary advice, just my own experience, what was easy, what was difficult, why I did it, and the positive lessons I can share.

#nosugar #lowcarb #nationalnutritionmonth #nationalnutritionweek #ketodiet