
Transformational Leadership Style (a Simple Guide) | The Steve Jobs Management Method

Steve Jobs Transformational Leadership
Managerial Skills / Online Education

Transformational Leadership Style (a Simple Guide) | The Steve Jobs Management Method

Transformational Leadership is how Steve Jobs at Apple created such a defining brand. In this video, learn about Transformational Leadership. ________________________________________

00:00 – Intro.

00:13 – What is Transformational Leadership

01:35 – What it does.

02:12 – Why you need Transformational Leadership

04:23 – Steve Jobs’ Style of Transformational Leadership

05:10 – How you can Use Transformational Leadership too (simple steps)

Imagine your company is the perfect powerful humming engine. Effortlessly generating results everyone in the organization knows exactly what to do, and how to do it at the highest level and is fully committed to being world-changing.

Transformational leadership is a method of management that is designed that brands like Apple and Google use to achieve this. This was Steve Jobs’ superpower.

Earlier my career, I spent 20 years training global leadership teams in multiple leadership approaches and I can tell you, that there is a right way and most definitely a wrong way of leading. This is one of the best.

If you are seeking sustainable growth and a team that can perform even when you’re not there, then servant leadership is for you.